Quick Start / Commands / Help

Quick Start

Setting up Valant is very easy. Valant works with a panel that users can respond to in order to link their RIOT account. To create this panel, use the /verification commands. This allows you to setup Valant and all configurable settings. Then type /verification panel to send the response panel.

You have to invite Valant before you start using it!


Valant has an extensive command list to offer as many functions as possible for your server. We therefore continue to improve our services.

Command Description
/information Provides some basic information about Valant, like statistics, developers & latency.
/ping Provides the current latency between your server, Valant, and the Discord API. This might be used while troubleshooting.
/user unlink Request an account unlink of a specific user for a specific reason.
/user view Provides an image showing a user their linked account.
/user check-riot Provides a user's linked RIOT account for Valorant.
/user check-discord Provides a user's linked Discord account.
/verification panel Sends the verification panel to the set channel with the set text.
/1v1 Sends the 1v1 embed to your current channel.
/block Provide a user to block and they won't be able to use Valant in your guild.
/close Force closes and deletes a swiftplay channel.
/rank Fetches a user their VALORANT rank.
/scrim Opens up a scrim session.


If you encounter any issues regarding the functionalities of our bot, please contact our staff team.

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